Department of Zoology was established in the Year 1988.
Aims and Objectives:
• To develop and improve Students understanding of the Diversity of animal life and economic values of animals to mankind.
• To know Zoo-geological Realms of World To understand animals as Pollution Indicators
• To visit to Wild life sanctuaries, National parks, Zoological gardens and Aquatic zones to study biodiversity of animal life.
• Arranging the Guest lecturers from different places.
• Visiting Sanctuaries and National parks to study diversity of animal life.
Students enrolled in B.Sc. (Hons.) degree program in Zoology will study and acquire complete knowledge of disciplinary as well as allied biological sciences. At the end of graduation, they should possess expertise which will provide them competitive advantage in pursuing higher studies from India or abroad; and seek jobs in academia, research or industries.
Students should be able to identify, classify and differentiate diverse chordates and non-chordates based on their morphological, anatomical and systemic organization. They will also be able to describe economic, ecological and medical significance of various animals inhuman life. This will create a curiosity and awareness among them to explore the animal diversity and take up wild life photography or wild life exploration as a career option. The procedural knowledge about identifying and classifying animals will provide students professional advantages in teaching, research and taxonomist jobs in various government organizations; including Zoological Survey of India and National Parks/Sanctuaries.
Acquired practical skills in biotechnology, biostatistics, bioinformatics and molecular biology can be used to pursue career as a scientist in drug development industry in India or abroad. Our students will be acquiring basic experimental skills in various techniques in the fields of genetics; molecular biology; biotechnology; qualitative and quantitative microscopy; enzymology and analytical biochemistry. These methodologies will provide an extra edge toour students, who wish to undertake higher studies. In-depth knowledge an understanding about comparative anatomy and developmental biology of various biological systems; and learning.
Sem-I Non Chordates and parasitology
On completion of the course, students are able to:
1. Understand the evolution, history of phylum.
2. Understand about the Non Chordate animals.
3. To study the external as well as internal characters of non chordates.
4. To study the distinguishing characters of non chordates.
5. Understand the economical importance of Mollusks
6. Understand about the harmful parasites, diseases caused by them and control measures
Sem-I Non Chordates and parasitology(Practicals)
1. Understand the various internal systems like Digestive system, nervous system with the help of charts.
2. Understand the functions of Gemmules and spicules.
3. Understand the economical importance of Molluscan shells.
4. To study and understand the classification of whole phyla includes in Non chordates with the help of charts/models/pictures.
5. To aware the students for various parasites and diseases which spreads in human with the help of study of host-parasite relationship.
6. To increase awareness for the health in students.
7. Understand the various disease causing vectors like Mosquitoes
Sem-II Chordates
On completion of the course, students are able to:
1. Understand the phylum Chordate.
2. Understand the basic concepts about chordates.
3. Understand the external morphology and sexual dimorphism in chordates.
4. Study and understand the various systems, adaptation and dentition in Mammals.
Sem-II Chordates(Practicals)
1. Understand the Systematic position and external morphology of Calotese versicolar.
2. Understand and study the various systems like Digestive systems
3. To study and understand the Scales, Fins, Arial adaptation and Dental formula.
4. Understand the Classification various classes of phylum Chordate i.e.Pisces, Reptiles,Aves and Mammals.
5. Compulsory visit to any Ecosystem gives more knowledge to the students
Sem-III Developmental Biology, Animal Physiology and Biochemistry
1. Understand the terms: Gametogenesis, Fertilization and early development.
2. Understand the Morphogenesis and Organogenesis in animals.
3. Placentation in Mammals
4. Understand the Importance of physiology and branches of it.
5. Understand the terms-Osmosis, diffusion, pH and Buffer.
6. Understand the Digestion and Excretion process, by studying the Organs of it.
7. Understand the process of Metabolism.
8. Understand the respiratory system and Respiratory pigments.
9. Understand the Circulatory system and Lymphatic system.
10. Study the nervous system.
11. Understand the respiratory system and Respiratory pigments.
12. Understand the Protein structure i.e. Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary.
13. Understasnd the structure and properties of the enzymes as well as its act
Sem-III Developmental Biology, Animal Physiology and Biochemistry (Practicals)
1. Understand Development of Frog
2. Understand Development of Chick
3. Understand the Preparation of permanent slide of Chick Embryo.
3. Qalitative Test for Carbohydrates,Protiens and fats
4. Understanding Normal and abnormal constituents of urine
5. Understanding percentage of Haemoglobin in Man.
Sem-IV Cell Biology ,Histology and Animal Behaviour
1. Understand the cell biology and molecular biology.
2. Understand the various cell types and cell divisions.
3. Understand the structure and function of the cells.
4. Understand the term cell signalling.
5. Aware the students for Cancer.
6. Understand the terms Histology
7. Understand the cell, tissue, organ, system and organisms.
8.U nderstand the histological aspects of mammalian organs
9. Study the derivatives of skin- horns, nails, hairs.
9. Understanding animal behavior
10. Understanding Instinct and learned behavior in animals
Sem-IV Cell Biology ,Histology and Animal Behaviour(Practical)
1. Understanding different stages of mitosis and meiosis in plant animal cells
2. Understanding histology of mammalian organs through permanent slides
3. Understanding mimicry and nests in birds in Field.
Sem-V Paper-I Ecology Evolution, Paleontology Zoogeography and wild life Conservation
1. Understanding Ecology ,origin of life on Earth
2. Understanding Abiotic and Biotic Factors
3. Understanding Habitat types
4. Understand the Origin and development of animals.
5. Understand the process of evolution.
6. Clear the concepts of Universe, theories of life cycles.
7. Understand the Lamarkism, Neo-Lamarkism and Darwinism.
8. Understand the Geological time scale.
9. To aware the students for Palaentology ie. Fossils and its significance.
10. Understand the Zoogeographical realm.
11. Understanding Wild life of India and its conservation
Sem-V Paper-I Ecology Evolution, Paleontology Zoogeography and wild life Conservation(Practicals)
1. Understanding of different parameters of water iand waste water
2. Understanding threatened animals of India
3. Understanding Evolution of Man and Horse
4. Understanding of Fossils from charts and models
5. Understanding of local biodiversity visiting fresh water body
Sem-VI Paper-I Applied Zoology
1. Understanding different aspects of silk worm and silk production from B.mori
2. Understanding about bea keeping and vermiculture .
3. Understanding about prawn and pearl culture
4. Understand the various Indian breeds and their distribution and characteristics of Goats,Understand the Various concepts in Lac Cultivation.
5. To know the Economical importance of lac Cultivation.
Sem-VI Paper-I Applied Zoology(Practicals)
Introduce the term apiculture to the students.
1. To aware the students and provides the economical importance of Apiculture.
2. Understand the Bee keeping equipments and apiary management.
3. To study and understand the various species of Bees.
4. Understanding verities of sheep, cow and Buffalo
5. Understanding about techniques of Vermiculture
6. Understanding about different poultry breeds
Sem-VI Paper-II Microbiology, Nanotechnology, Bioinformatics and methods in Biology.
1. To know about different types of microscopes and their applications.
2. Understanding sterilization techniques.
3. Understanding different antibiotics like penicillin, streptomycin etc..
4. To know about microbes in environment and our body
5. Understanding about different aspects of Nanotechnology in daily life
6. To know about Human Genome Project
7. Understanding about Bio-Physical methods like NMR,ESR and Spectroscope
8. To know about biological applications of ECG ,PET, CAT and GM Counter
Sem-VI Paper-II Microbiology, Nanotechnology, Bioinformatics and methods in Biology.(Practicals)
1. To know about different types of microscopes and their applications.
2. Understanding sterilization techniques.
3. Understanding different antibiotics like penicillin, streptomycin etc..
4. Understinding about Bio-Physical methods like NMR,ESR and Spectroscope
5. To know about biological applications of ECG ,PET, CAT and GM Counter
6. Understanding about BLAST and FASTA
( I-SEM)
At the end of the course the students should be able to
1.To use simple and compound Microscopes.
2.To prepare Stained slides to observe the cell Organelles
3. To be familiar with the basic principle of life, how a cell divides leading to the growth of an organism and also reproduces to form new organisms.
4.The chromosomal aberrations by preparing Karyotypes. chromosomal aberrations are inherited in humans by pedigree analysis in family. The antigen-antibody reaction.
1.At the end of the course the students should be able to understand basic structure of biomolecules through model making.
2.Develop the skills to identify different types of blood cells.
3. Enhance basic laboratory skill like keen observation, analysis and discussion.Learn the functional attributes of biomolecules in animal body.
4. Know uniqueness of enzymes in animal body and their importance through enzymes kenetics.
At the end of the course the students should be able to understand
1. After successful accomplishment of the course, the learners will be able to acquired better understanding and comprehensive knowledge regarding most of the essential aspects of molecular biology subject which in turn will provide a fantastic opportunity to develop professional skill related to the field of Molecular biology.
2. The course will mainly focus on the study of principle molecular events of cell incorporating DNA replication, transcription and translation in Prokaryotic as well as Eukaryotic organisms.
3. Acquiring knowledge on instrumentation and techniques in biology.
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. Acquaint knowledge on versatile tools and techniques employed in genetic engineering and recombinant DNA technology.
2. An understanding on application of genetic engineering techniques in basic and applied experimental biology.
3. To acquire a fundamental working knowledge of the basic principles of immunology.
4. To understand how these principles, apply to the process of immune function.
5. Use, and interpret results of, the principal methods of statistical inference and design; helps to communicate the results of statistical analyses accurately and effectively; helps in usage of appropriate tool of statistical software.
Will Be Updated Soon
Will Be Updated Soon
Sl.No |
Profile Photo |
Name |
Qualification |
Specialization |
Designation |
View Profile |
1 |
Shri. D M Patil |
M.Sc |
Zoology |
Associate Professor |
View |
2 |
Shri. D M Sarashetti |
M.Sc |
Zoology |
Associate Professor |
3 |
Shri.Girish Hadapad |
M.Sc |
Zoology |
Assistant Professor |
3 |
Miss.Rajeshwari Devoor |
M.Sc |
Zoology |
Assistant Professor |