Dept. of Sociology was started during the academic year 1971-72.
Aims and Objectives.:
• To develop among the students social consciousness
• To realize the students regarding the different social problems, i.e. poverty, prostitution, AIDS, alcoholism and drug addiction. The cause for these problems and measures to solve them
• To create awareness among the students regarding the rural problems and welfare programs
• Arranging group discussions
• Promoting interactions
• Circulating notes material, extracts and hand outs.
• Encouraging to do project works.
• Conducting class seminars.
• Organizing special Lectures.
Sociology is a fast developing. It is trying to touch upon all the aspects of the man’s social life
Hence it has developed number of specialized Fields or branches to study different facts of man’s social life. Each branches has its own method and technique. The number of these branches is increasing day by day and accordingly the scope of sociology is also expanding.
A list of some main fields of sociological study is cited below.
1. Rural Sociology – Study of village life deals with the rural institutions, rural social structure, rural planning, rural change, rural social change, rural problems, rural welfare etc.
2. Industrial Sociology- Study of industrial relations and activities. It comes into being due to the experiments. It is helpful in promoting industrial growth and welfare.
3. Urban Sociology – It is a great help in understanding the city and its problems. It gives suggestions for urban planning and control and study of city life and city organization and promotion of city welfare.
4. Sociology of education – Studies the functional relationship between school and other institutions of society. Deals with the Social determinants of education.
5. Sociology of family – Deals with family its origin development forms, functions, changes, problems etc.
6. Sociology of law – Studies how social conditions, influence the making and enforcement of law etc.
The study of sociology has a great value specially in modern complex society. Some of the uses of the sociology are follows:
• Sociology Studies society in a scientific way.
• Sociology helps us to become broad minded.
• Enlightens regarding the major social institutions.
• Helps us to face social problems.
• Need for sociology in underdeveloped countries .
• Knowledge is necessary for social planning and welfare.
• Study of society helps the promotion of tribal welfare.
• Sociology is useful as a teaching subject too and the posts of IAS, IFS, IPS & KAS etc. Sociology is introduced as one among the other science.
• Keeps up up-to-date on modern social situations and Datas and developments .
Sl.No |
Profile Photo |
Name |
Qualification |
Specialization |
Designation |
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1 |
Dr.Basavaraj S Hiremath |
M.A.,M.Phil,Ph.D |
Sociology |
Assistant Professor |
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2 |
Dr.T B Dodamani |
M.A.,Ph.D |
Sociology |
Assistant Professor |
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