The Department of Physical Education was started with the establishment of the college in the year 1972.
Games and sports are very important for the overall development of the personality. Health is very essential to get success in every aspects of life.
student's Besides developing physical and mental fitness it is a sure way to get recreation and relaxation for the stressed mind. Apart from creating opportunities to the students to keep themselves physically fit and mentally alert, the department has contributed a lot to the field of sports and games.
The aim of our department is an all round development of students personality i.e. body, mind and spirit. Our mission is to train the students to develop physical and mental fitness and
also to develop the special power of endurance through participation in games, sports and physical exercise.
• To create an awareness of the importance of physical fitness and health.
• To develop Sociability and Leadership qualities amongst student community
• To develop harmony and friendship amongst various schools, colleges, clubs and Govt departments.
• By developing health consciousness we can keep the students away from falling into the bad habits.
• To make them good citizens.
• The department plans to create sufficient awareness about the multipronged benefits of keeping oneself physically fit and mentally alert.
• The department seriously plans to develop health consciousness and special quality of endurance and fitness in the young minds through lectures, counseling, field work and fitness camps.
Learning in physical education:
Students are empowered to participate in Physical activity and understand how this influences their own well-being and demonstrating the benefits of an active life style. They encourage others to participate in sport, dance, exercise, recreation and adventure pursuits.
Students challenges themselves to develop their Physical and interpersonal skills. They can contribute to the development of Physical education programmes and choose their own level of participation.
The skills taught in Physical education improve students’ performance, sharpen their knowledge of strategy and tactics and help them to transfer knowledge from one context to another including sport and recreational and outdoor activities. The concept of challenge by choice enables appropriate learning at a level that builds confidence.
It enables the development of leadership and teamwork skills and encourages students to transfer knowledge to other learning areas, in other subjects or when working with groups in a leadership role in the college and in their lives outside of college in sports clubs or community groups.
Physical education provides a range of opportunities for students to challenge and extend themselves in an environment of managed risk.
Students step outside their comfort zone to take on new social, physical and emotional challenges. It teaches students to critically inquire into the social and cultural significance of movement, so that they can better understand what influences people to engage and participate in physical activity.
Physical education provides a solid foundation for further studies relating to movement and the body, including the social and health sciences, recreation and tourism. It provides into the many career such as education, health, justice and the social services.
Students will be exposed in a motivating and nurturing environment resulting in a greater sense of well-being and self esteem.
Physical education is itself involved with many sub disciplines like, psychology, anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, physics, chemistry, history, sociology yoga, sports, science, that’s why we need to teach physical education.
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Dr. Ravi V Gola |
M.Ed.,M.Phil, Ph.D |
Physical Education |
Associate Professor |
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