The Department of English was started in the year 1972.
Aims and Objectives:
The Department being a part of the institution has accepted its vision and mission. But it has setup its own Aims and Objectives keeping in view the vision and mission of the institution.
• To teach English to expose the students to the rich literature in English
• To teach English and make the student competent in the globalized world
• To teach to develop language skills
• To teach English to understand the cultures across the world
• Arranging group discussions
• Promoting interactions
• Teaching certain course contents through PPT
• Circulating notes material, extracts and hand outs
• Encouraging to do project works
• Conducting class seminars
A bachelor’s degree in English forms to the students into skilled, knowledgeable and ethical interpreters of texts in the English literary tradition and it offers to the students an opportunity to nurture their ability to produce literary texts.
The English grammar is designed to help the students understand the process of communicating and interpreting human experience through literary representation in doing so. They develop reading, writing and analytic skills. They learn how to formulate their own ideas critically, creatively and persuasively. They learn to raise significant questions and gather relevant evidence, reach well-reasoned conclusions.
Students also develop an ethical orientation to living as their study of literature encourages them to value human actions, motivations, and differences.
British and American literature develops critical interpretation through reading and writing. The flexible curriculum provides students the opportunity and responsibility to shape their major based on individual interests and objectives.
Learning Outcomes:
English in B.A. graduates learn the skills, contexts and ethics of interpreting texts particularly of the English literary tradition and of communicating their interpretations through written and oral mediums. Each program learning outcome is followed by elaborations of how the department interprets the outcome and what activities the students perform to achieve the outcome.
1.Equip students with knowledge of English as a world language:
• Students will be able to both in speaking and writing in a variety of contexts and genres.
• Demonstrate a through command of English and its linguistic structures.
• Recognize and comprehend different varieties of English.
2.Equip student with analytical skills in linguistic, Communications and Literary Criticism:
• Students will be able to analyze oral and written discourse of various genres with regard to social, cultural political and historical contexts.
• Analyze the structure and evolution of English words and texts from the point of view of Morphology, Phonology Grammar, Syntax and Semantics.
3.Train students for careers and advanced studies in a wide range of English, Public, Relations or Communications fields:
•They produce and edit high quality, technical oral and written English communication and translation from English into America and vice- versa.
•Apply theoretical frameworks for literary criticism, linguistic analysis and communication theory.
This degree gives students access to the full range of English studies, alongside the traditional range of English literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to the present day.
History of English Literature: Students are able to study British, American, Irish and post-colonial literatures as well as cultural theory, creative writing and film.
Both literature and writing course help students explore how writing use the creative resources of language in fiction, poetry, non-fiction prose and drama to explore the entire range of human experience.
Literature provides imaginative and critical insights into all areas of human experience, war and peace, nature and culture, love and sexuality, selfhood and social identity, justice and atrocity, and the dreams of the future.
English course help students build skills of analytical and interpretive argument, became careful and critical readers, practice writing in a variety of genres as a process of intellectual inquiry and creative expression.
Sl.No |
Profile Photo |
Name |
Qualification |
Specialization |
Designation |
View Profile |
1 |
Shri.Venkanagouda R Patil |
M.A.,M.Phil |
English |
Assistant Professor |
View |
2 |
Dr.R.V.Lamani |
M.A.,M.Phil, Ph.D |
English |
Associate Professor |
View |
3 |
Shri.Kiran Metagar |
M.A |
English |
Assistant Professor |
View |