The department of Botany was established in the year 1988.
Aims and Objectives:
• To develop and improve students in understanding
• To understand the Phytogeography of plants the Biodiversity of flora.
• To understand the role of plants as pollution indicators.
• To know the economic importance of plants.
• To know the methods of conserving the natural resources.
• To grow and maintain rare and important medicinal plants
• Use of internet facility to upgrade the knowledge of students Teaching the students by using LCD, OHP & Slide Projector for their effective understanding.
• Upgrading the practical knowledge by conducting field-work for natural study. Planting rare medicinal plants and to maintain Green house and Botanical gardens.
• Involving the students in project works and assignments for concerned.
• Arranging group discussions
• Conducting special lectures
The student who studies Botany in B.Sc. is able to :
a) Develop an understanding of biological facts, concept and principle , and appreciation of their significance
b) Develop awareness of application of biology in personal, social, economic pharmaceutical, environmental and technologies contexts.
c) Suitable preparation for higher education courses and develop feelings for living things.
d) Define the principles of basic science in the field of botany
e) Demonstrate the various trends for classification and characterized of living organisms, particularly those belonging to fungi, algae, lichens, and vascular plants. Understand the basic of classification of these organisms in to different divisions, classes, orders and family. demonstrate the cycles and diagnosis features of secondary representatives as well as their pharmaceutical reference to their importance in production of valuable components (e.g. drugs ,alkaloids, antibiotics, hormones, steroids, vitamins, carrageen, organicacid, toxins ,….)
f) Explain non living cell contents, seeds and germination, morphological and anatomical description of different plant parts ( roots ,stem, leaves , flowers and fruits ) with special reference to the pharmaceutical importance.
g) Principles of plant systematic and nomenclature, characteristics, features demonstration of some representatives with reference to the pharmaceutical importance
h) Provide an outline of the physical characters of the cytoplasm ,
plant –water relationships, enzymes, plant pigments photosynthesis, respiration, metabolisms and carbohydrates, Fats nitrogen, secondary metabolites and growth hormones
1. Students will be able to identify the major group of organisms with an emphasis on plants and be able to classify them within a phylogenetic frame work. Students will be able to compare and contrast the characteristics of plants, algae, and fungi that differentiate them from each other and from other forms of life.
2. Students will be able to use the evidence of comparative biology to explain how the theory of evolution offers the only scientific explanation for the unity & diversity of life on earth. They will be able to use specific examples to explicate how descent with modification has shaped plant morphology, physiology, and life history.
3. Students will be able to explain how organisms function at the level of the gene, genome, cell, tissue, organ, and organ system. Drawing upon this knowledge, they will be able to give specific examples of the physiological adaptation, development, reproduction and behavior of different form of life.
4. Students will be explicating the ecological interconnectedness of life on earth by training energy and nutrient flows through the environment. They will be able to relate the physical features of the environment to the structure of populations, communities and ecosystem.
5. Student will be able to demonstrate proficiency in the experimental techniques and methods of analysis appropriate for their area of specialization within biology.
Botanical Techniques:
1. Know about Instruments and utility in subject botany.
2. Gain knowledge about measurement of microorganisms by studying of micrometry.
3. Understand different stains and staining methods.
4. Understand and perform chromatography and cultural techniques in botany.
5. Understand the methods used in whole mount preparation, wood maceration and cytology.
Plant anatomy:
1. Understand the types of tissues.
2. Vascular tissues.
3. Internal structures of plant parts.
4. Secondary growth and importance of wood.
Plant embryology:
1. Learn about the development of anther , ovule , pollination fertilization.
2. Development of embryo and endosperm.
3. Structure of pollen.
1. Known the silent feature of cryptogams plants
2. Understand the life cycles of selected genera.
3. Learn about the economic and ecological importance of cryptogams plants.
4. Understand their evolution.
Gymnosperms and Paleaobotany:
1. Understand the diversity of Gymnosperms in India.
2. Known the evolutionary trends and affinities of living Gymnosperms with respect to external and internal features.
3. Understand the important fossil records.
4. Understand the economic importance of Gymnosperms
Plant Biotechnology:
1. Understand the fundamentals of totipotency plant tissue culture techniques.
2. Know the transgenic technology for the improvement of quality and quantity of plants and thereby products.
3. Understand the advantages of in vitro propagation in various areas.
4. Realize the application and importance of plant tissue culture and transgenic plants.
Molecular Biolog:
1. Learn the scope and importance of molecular biology.
2. Understand the biochemical nature of nucleic acid, their rule in living systems, experimental evidences to prove DNA as a genetic material.
3. Understand the process of synthesis of proteins and role of genetic code in polypeptide formation.
Plant Ecology:
1. Know the scope and importance of the discipline
2. Understand plant communities and ecological adaptation in plants.
1. Learn about conservation of biodiversity, non-conventional energy and pollution.
2. Discover botanical regions of India and vegetation types of Maharashtra.
3. Understand bioremediation, global warming and climate change.
Morphology Of Angiosperms:
1. Understand the habit of Angiosperms plant body, vegetative characteristic of the plant, about the reproductive characteristic of plant and plant morphology.
Taxonomy Of Angiosperms:
1. Understand the diversity of angiosperms, comparative account among the families of angiosperms, economic importance of angiospermic plants and distinguishing features of angiospermic families.
2. Understanding principles of taxonomy and their importance.
Plant Physiology And Biochemistry:
1. Understand the plant structure in context of physiological function of plant and about the growth and development of plants and its regulations.
2. Understand the physiology details of photosynthesis, respiration and lipid metabolites in plants.
3. Understand the stress in plants and its adaptation, about the metabolites synthesized by the plant and redox systems of plants.
Sl.No |
Profile Photo |
Name |
Qualification |
Specialization |
Designation |
View Profile |
1 |
Smt. S S Muttinpendimath |
M.Sc |
Botany |
Associate Professor |
View |
2 |
Kum.Jyoti Angadi |
M.Sc |
Botany |
Assistant Professor |
View |
3 |
Kum.Asma Jaradi |
M.Sc |
Botany |
Assistant Professor |
View |